

All kinematic limits derive from the Limit base class.

class pink.limits.limit.Limit

Abstract base class for kinematic limits.

abstractmethod compute_qp_inequalities(q, dt)

Compute limit as linearized QP inequalities.

Those limits are returned as:

\[G(q) \Delta q \leq h(q)\]

where \(q \in {\cal C}\) is the robot’s configuration and \(\Delta q \in T_q({\cal C})\) is the displacement in the tangent space at \(q\).

  • q (ndarray) – Robot configuration.

  • dt (float) – Integration timestep in [s].

Return type:

Optional[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]


Pair \((G, h)\) representing the inequality constraint as \(G \Delta q \leq h\), or None if there is no limit.

Configuration limit

Subset of bounded joints associated with a robot model.

class pink.limits.configuration_limit.ConfigurationLimit(model, config_limit_gain=0.5)

Subspace of the tangent space restricted to joints with position limits.


gain between 0 and 1 to steer away from configuration limits. It is described in “Real-time prioritized kinematic control under inequality constraints for redundant manipulators” (Kanoun, 2012). More details in this writeup.


Robot model the limit applies to.


Joints with configuration limits.


Projection from tangent space to subspace with configuration-limited joints.

compute_qp_inequalities(q, dt)

Compute the configuration-dependent velocity limits.

Those limits are returned as:

\[{q \ominus q_{min}} \leq \Delta q \leq {q_{max} \ominus q}\]

where \(q \in {\cal C}\) is the robot’s configuration and \(\Delta q \in T_q({\cal C})\) is the displacement in the tangent space at \(q\). These limits correspond to the derivative of \(q_{min} \leq q \leq q_{max}\).

  • q (ndarray) – Robot configuration.

  • dt (float) – Integration timestep in [s].

Return type:

Optional[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]


Pair \((G, h)\) representing the inequality constraint as \(G \Delta q \leq h\), or None if there is no limit.

Velocity limit

Subset of velocity-limited joints in a robot model.

class pink.limits.velocity_limit.VelocityLimit(model)

Subset of velocity-limited joints in a robot model.


Tangent indices corresponding to velocity-limited joints.


List of velocity-limited joints.


Robot model.


Projection from tangent space to subspace with velocity-limited joints.

compute_qp_inequalities(q, dt)

Compute inequalities for velocity limits.

Those limits are defined by:

\[-\mathrm{d}t v_{max} \leq \Delta q \leq \mathrm{d}t v_{max}\]

where \(v_{max} \in {\cal T}\) is the robot’s velocity limit vector and \(\Delta q \in T_q({\cal C})\) is the displacement computed by the inverse kinematics.

  • q (ndarray) – Robot configuration.

  • dt (float) – Integration timestep in [s].

Return type:

Optional[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]


Pair \((G, h)\) representing the inequality constraint as \(G \Delta q \leq h\), or None if there is no limit.

Acceleration limit

Subset of acceleration-limited joints in a robot model.

class pink.limits.acceleration_limit.AccelerationLimit(model, acceleration_limit)

Subset of acceleration-limited joints in a robot model.

Acceleration limits consists of two parts: the expected \(|a| \leq a_{\mathrm{max}}\), but also the following term accounting for the “breaking distance” to configuration limits:

\[-\sqrt{2 a_max (q \ominus q_{\min})} \leq a \leq \sqrt{2 a_max (q_{\max} \ominus q)}\]

This additional inequality is detailed in [Flacco2015] as well as in [DelPrete2018].


Latest displacement of the robot.


Maximum acceleration vector for acceleration-limited joints.


Tangent indices corresponding to acceleration-limited joints.


Robot model.


Projection from tangent space to subspace with acceleration-limited joints.

compute_qp_inequalities(q, dt)

Compute inequalities for acceleration limits.

Those limits are defined by:

\[\Delta q_{\mathrm{prev}} - a_max \mathrm{d} t^2 \leq \Delta q \leq \Delta q_{\mathrm{prev}} + a_max \mathrm{d} t^2\]

where \(a_{max} \in {\cal T}\) is the robot’s acceleration limit vector (in the tangent space) and \(\Delta q \in T_q({\cal C})\) is the displacement computed by the inverse kinematics, with \(\Delta q_{\mathrm{prev}}\) the displacement from the previous iteration.

  • q (ndarray) – Robot configuration.

  • dt (float) – Integration timestep in [s].

Return type:

Optional[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]


Pair \((G, h)\) representing the inequality constraint as \(G \Delta q \leq h\), or None if there is no limit.

set_last_integration(v_prev, dt)

Set the latest velocity and the duration it was applied for.

The goal of the low-acceleration task is to minimize the difference between the new velocity and the previous one.

  • v_prev (ndarray) – Latest integrated velocity.

  • dt – Integration timestep in [s].

Return type:
